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Fuel the Drive - Bridgestone

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Thank you to everyone who participated, nominated, or voted in our #FuelTheDrive contest. Congratulations to all of our Finalists who have helped make a difference in getting schools active and healthy. The final vote was so close, Bridgestone has decided to award Grand Prizes to each of the top two Finalists. Congrats! See below for the final results.

Grand Prize Winner

Thanks to your votes, Grand Prize winner World Compass Academy, will now be able to revamp their athletic equipment. This new equipment will not only serve the school students; the facilities will be open to the public, allowing the entire community to get active and healthy.

A playground in need of a boost @ World Compass Academy - Castle Rock, CO

Grand Prize Winner

As a Grand Prize winner, Minges Brook Elementary will be able to invest in new playground equipment. Building new playground facilities will give Minges Brook students and the neighboring community a new reason to get out and get moving.

Making new playground additions to last @ Minges Brook Elementary - Battle Creek, MI

Runner-Up Winner

Giving their students a better outlet to exercise is key for Crestwood Intermediate School. Thanks to winning the Fuel the Drive Runner-up Prize, the school is now one step closer to replacing their outdated playground equipment.

Putting on a fundraiser for new playground equipment @ Crestwood Intermediate - Chesapeake, VA